All parents/guardians of RGS students are automatically enrolled as ordinary members of PRGS from the time their daughters/wards become students of RGS. A one-time non-refundable membership fee of S$40.00 (which covers membership for all four years of your daughter’s/ward’s time in RGS) will be deducted by the school through GIRO in Term 1 of 2024. Where circumstances require, PRGS will, upon the school’s recommendation, waive this membership fee.
We hope that all parents/guardians of RGS students will see the value in being members of PRGS. However, should you wish to opt out of membership, please email [email protected] for an opt-out form, which must be submitted by 31 January 2024.
While participation in PRGS activities is voluntary, we encourage and welcome as many members as possible to join our activities. In addition, we greatly appreciate members who are able to volunteer time and resources when we organise activities for the school, our members, or our daughters/wards. Our events are open to all PRGS members (unless they are meant to cater to a specific year group), and will be publicised by the school through Parents’ Gateway. We encourage you to join in as many of our activities as you can.
PRGS Association Executive Committee (“Exco”)
PRGS is led by an Executive Committee comprising a group of PRGS members who plan and organise various activities for and on behalf of the association. The Exco is elected to office on an annual basis by ordinary members of PRGS and facilitates communication and interaction between the school and other PRGS members.
Volunteering with PRGS
If you wish to play a more active and involved role in PRGS, or would like to be included in our roster of volunteers, please email us at [email protected].