Singapore Silent Heroes

The Singapore Silent Heroes (SSH) Award Presentation is an annual ceremony organised by the Civilians Association (Singapore) (CAS). The award recognises ordinary, everyday Singaporeans and permanent residents for their extraordinary humanity and compassion towards people, causes, and missions.
In 2023, CAS introduced the SSH Student Award to acknowledge local students from various schools for their acts of kindness.
We are proud to announce that the following students have received the award for their outstanding contributions during their student-initiated project:
Bhattacharyya Atreyi, S406 - Project STEMulate
Atreyi is a leading member of Project STEMulate which comprises 7 students. She was instrumental in spearheading and steering this completely student-initiated project which started in early 2023. This initiative provides educationally disadvantaged children with opportunities to explore, create, and innovate on STEM-related activities during their school holidays.
Hasini Senthilnathan, S404 - Project Enjo
Hasini was a leading member of Project Enjo, a completely student-initiated project that began in early 2023. The team, comprising 7 students, has steadfastly supported children under Brighton Connection’s care during the school holidays. Their focus on developing character, values, and academic support through engaging activities has made a positive impact on the lives of these children.
Janhvi, S406 - Project STEMulate
Janhvi is one of the leading members of Project STEMulate, another student-initiated project that started in early 2023. This team, comprising 7 students, meaningfully engages children in STEM-related activities during school holidays, offering opportunities to explore, create, and innovate. Janhvi served as the main liaison with the Beyond Social Services staff, taking time to build a relationship with them and understand their needs.

We hope these girls will continue to positively impact their community and inspire their peers to do the same.